Thursday, March 30, 2006

Manifesto - words are cheap (even free)

The war of the manifestos are set to beging. DMK came out with its manifesto yesterday and the headline for the news item in 'The Hindu' sounded slightly(?) disbelieving and tongue-in-cheek.

Wanting to refresh our memories, we googled the definition of the word 'manifesto' and the most common one is:

A public declaration of principles, policies, or intentions, especially of a political nature.

Check this out here.

Ram Viswanathan in his blog chennailiving also picked up the manifesto to raise a few issues.

Well, it would be interesting to see what the others put down as manifestoes, but the root of the word manifesto is from the Latin term mani festus which means clear or evident.

The only thing that is clear or evident here is the unmatched desire to please (or should it be fleece) the people and get back into power. Well, stranger things have been known to happen in politics, but don't you think our people would see through these gimmicks.

I only hope so.